Switching service providers? Yes, you can! – Ayyeka success story

Ayyeka connects decision-makers to their remote assets, so they can make better and more timely decisions. Their Industrial IoT solutions for remote monitoring enable asset owners and operators to achieve enhanced compliance and improved efficiency across the board. Hardware, software, and digital services are merged to deliver an end-to-end experience and value when connecting asset and […]

How to Seamlessly Switch AWS Partners

Working with the right AWS provider can make or break a company, but many companies discover that after a few years, what was once a great fit just doesn’t work anymore. Over time, your needs change, and the provider you’ve been with for years might not be able to provide what you need. Alternatively, maybe […]

A Lesson for Every Startup from Bitcoin’s 2017 Outage

Paying the Price for an Unavailable Service: The Case of Coinbase In December 2017, significant declines were recorded on the exchange rate of the world’s most popular digital currency—Bitcoin. Investors who wanted to sell their currencies quickly, for fear of further declines, turned to the biggest cryptocurrency stock exchange, known as Coinbase. At Coinbase, they […]

AI-Based remediation for cloud incidents? We are on our way there

“Today, maintaining a high performance and continuous availability of cloud production environments are some of the most significant pain points for technology organizations. Production availability is commonly measured and managed by evaluating some of the following dimension: Does the product or service work fast enough? Does its performance meet the expected metrics? Is it able […]

Building a Successful Uptime Management Strategy

Managing a cloud system properly entails numerous tasks (performance monitoring, response times, latency, uptime management, security, compliance, and disaster recovery). Together, these tasks form a comprehensive holistic strategy that embraces and accounts for all potential scenarios. Especially in today’s intensive business landscape, running cloud operations (NOC) 24/7 has become mandatory together with maintaining a high […]

Increasing Performance – Webpals Success Story

As Webpals, the leaders in performance-based advertising, grew at a fast pace around the world, MoovingON helped them behind the scenes to always stay connected. Webpals group deals with performance-based digital marketing via a combination of a variety of the company’s own content-driven websites and campaigns across all advertising channels. The company operates thousands of websites […]

Go Cloud! – Sisense Success Story

Sisense‘s solution analyzes the most sensitive information in the world’s largest companies. It was clear that MoovingON would be the one to maintain Sisense’s cloud service. Since its inception in 2010, Sisense has become a leader in enterprise information analytics through an information analytics system that can analyze information from any source, including complex information, […]

Observability’s Newfound Popularity

In a recent Meetup event, DevOps professionals, operations professionals, and various executives gathered together at MoovingOn’s “Achieving Observability Meet Up” hosted on the 28th floor at AWS in Tel Aviv. The venue was buzzing with lectures, panel discussions, and workshops all surrounding the idea of Observability Systems. Speakers representing AWS, Coralogix, BOLT, and MoovingOn shared […]

אופרציה מוצלחת 24/7? זה לא בשמיים

בשנים האחרונות, חברות SaaS מגלות מחדש את עולם ה-NOC. למעשה, חברות כאלה הופכות תלויות יותר ויותר ב-NOC איכותי לצורך התייעלות וצמיחה, וזה לא מפתיע, לנוכח אופי פעילותן. שלא כמו בחברות הזנק “קלאסיות” המתמקדות בפיתוח, בחברות SaaS האופרציה השוטפת והשירות למשתמשים ממלאים תפקיד מכריע. כמו כן, תקלות בלתי צפויות ואתגרים טכנולוגיים חדשים צצים ללא הרף בעולם […]

עושים סדר בעולם הניטור

מתי משתמשים ב-Grafana ולמה כדאי להשקיע בניטור תשתיתי? בואו להכיר את כל הרכיבים של תחום הניטור בפיתוח מודרני תחום כלי הניטור והניתוח לשלבי הפיתוח וה-DevOps עובר בשנים האחרונות פריחה אמיתית. בעבר צרכי הארגון מבחינת ניטור היו מתמקדים במשאבי IT, שהיו נמצאים פיזית בארגון, והמידע כלל בעיקר מעקב אחרי ניצול שטח אחסון, משאבי רשת וכדומה. המעבר לשירותי ענן, ביחד […]